Every woman is a unique expression of the godly-holy Female. To reach equilibrium we need to ‎make contact with all the qualities which correspond with our female nature inside us. With some ‎we may have already a balanced and healthy relationship, with some others not. Through the ‎movements of oriental dancing and the class on feminine harmonization, with Mariam’s ‎assistance, I acquired the ability to express even my more intractable feelings. In my daily work ‎as a psychologist I had experienced situations of emotional stress and great pressure, the result ‎being that I frequently felt rigid, as if wearing an armour. Yet, the moment I started dancing I ‎relaxed, I came in touch with emerging sensations and I was transformed into a strong, beautiful ‎and seductive woman, in full control of herself and with indescribable self-confidence. I learned ‎to dance first for myself and then for others. I thank the opportunity which was given to me to be ‎part of an action linking body and soul.‎