I had the honour to become acquainted with Mariam Prokou in the 35th world dance conference of the International Dance Council (CID), which took place in Athens, in July 2013. She taught us oriental dancing in the experiential workshops, in which took part renowned dancers from all over the world. Mariam, a person of high ethos, natural nobility and sweetness of character, made an immediate impression. The primeval fertility dance which she taught, technically impeccable, stirred everyone with its mystagogical, revolving movements of hands and body, a reference to the revolving motions of the universe. The dance of the belly, where the great miracle of life is given birth and the human being is incarnated, becomes, through dancing, a sacred centre of diffusion of harmony and equilibrium in the entire body and soul of the dancer. Mariam’s deep culture, her psychotherapeutic knowledge, and her respect for the human being turn dancing lessons into therapy. The emergence of femininity from the wavelike motions of the body liberates the power of love and Eros, which is diffused in the universe. Learning from Mariam oriental dancing is not mere entertainment; one enters into a world of light, where harmony and unity dominate. Carry on my dear friend.